Embodying Essence

Wellness Practitioners I Recommend

– Amelia Davis – Trauma Healing, (510) 333-5936, ameliaamydavis.squarespace.com

– JM Passalacqua C.M.T. – Massage Therapist (510) 847-7802, appliedanatomyinstitute.com

– Anne Moore – Massage Therapist, (510) 769-980, backtolifewellnesscenter.com

– Maureen Manley – Orthopedic Body Work (415) 331-1440, orthopedicbodywork.com

– Dawn Sue Herbertson – Holding Services, San Rafael (707) 694-6359

– Eugene Gonzales – Holding Services, Berkeley (217) 840-1760


Norma holds an exquisite, tender and true space to explore, heal and become who we are at our deepest and highest self.

Schedule a Session

                      Norma works in her sacredly held, quiet office in Richmond, Ca.                   She offers 60- or 90-minute sessions. 

To schedule a bodywork session with Norma, you can contact her directly at
510-769-5122 (text) or email her at  norma@resonantcorewisdom.com

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