Resonant Core Wisdom

Embodying Essence
3rd Year Class

Your Next Wave
& Beyond

The completion of 2nd year is an exciting time!  You’ve just spent two years discovering who you are and stepping into your empowered sacred self.

Now you have a chance to figure out new ways to make BASICS yours:  Access your ground, feel how you use fibers, fill your core with yourself and expand your essence out to your edge.

By learning how to work with and heal your patterns, you will be able to choose presence and to consciously empower yourself and others.                                      

I will weave a class matrix that will hold your collective aligned intentions. The beauty of learning in a group setting is unique in that each person brings information to the circle that teaches the space.

Through rituals and experiential exercises this course can help you consciously claim and put into action the information and skills that you already learned and gain an embodied understanding of many new ones.

As a class we will practice creating resourced containers that support your alignment, work, body and intentions.

Come expand, learn and practice with assistance in a safe and sacredly held container.

I learned a great deal from Norma’s third year class. I have deepened my connection to my life’s purpose, developed my own ability to create meaningful ceremonies and I have a more nuanced understanding of the 20 counts. I truly look forward to attending class each month.

Monday Dates in 2025

  • Jan 6 – Feb 3 – Mar 3 – Mar 31 – May 12 – Jun 9 
  • Jul 7 – Aug 4 – Sep 15 – Oct 13 – Nov 10 – Dec 8


     10 am – 6 pm PST


       855 Marina Bay Pkwy #290, Richmond, Ca.
       (zoom is also possible)


        $175.00 per month for 12 months ($2100.00)

The intentions of this program are the same

The 3rd year class has far surpassed my expectations. In some uncanny way, each session has given me tools to comprehend and address issues that I was facing at that particular moment in time.

About Norma Ramos

Norma Ramos came into this lifetime with a deep resonance to indigenous ceremonial cultures through her Peruvian heritage. She discovered from a young age that she has an undeniable embodied presence of ancient wisdom, shamanism and ceremony that is natural and distinct.

As the youngest of four, Norma realized early on that her learning would be focused on healing and self-development in order to create the changes she desired. 

Norma became Lynda Caesara’s apprentice in 1997 and started attending energy class in 2001.  She has been teaching for 16 years.  She has several monthly energy classes of different levels, teaches two Reaching & Holding classes and has a full body work & Holding practice.  Over 2 decades, she became competent in harnessing her natural skill and ability to source a deeply grounded, vastly resourced and safe space for others to learn and engage their own healing.    

Norma is working with MASOCHIST (enduring) & ORAL (merging) patterns.

Register by AUG 1, 2024!

510-769-5122 – text preferred or email:

In person is preferred and over Zoom hybrid is also available.

I thought that after two years of energy class that I had gone far enough but then I realized my journey was just beginning. Third year brought a depth and breadth to what I learned in my first two years and more.

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